LYOHS service projects

Clothing Drive

These next couple months are going to be quite chilly which is why we will be holding a clothing drive to provide warm clothing to impoverished individuals in Livingston and surrounding areas. The last day to donate will be at the end of the month. Please EMAIL to participate and receive details on the donation process. Thank you and stay warm!

Making Sandwiches for Homeless

September 28, 2024, over twenty members of the Livingston Youth Organization for Human Services gathered at the Presbyterian Church of Livingston to prepare more than 400 peanut butter sandwiches. These will be donated to the Newark food kitchen to help provide meals for those in need. A sincere thank you to all the dedicated volunteers for their incredible support and generosity!

Livingston Clean Up!

Schools out, we’re out! The Livingston Youth Organization for Humanitarian Services just completed our third event with our ambassadors and we couldn’t be happier with the impacts we’re making. After hours of hard work, we managed to collect 8 bags worth of trash around the Madonna Turf and the Livingston Walking Trails. Stay tuned for all the other amazing events we have lined up this summer!

Medical Device Drive May/June 2024

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our cause! Your generosity has enabled us to collect over 6,000 pieces of new medical equipment, including PPE such as masks, shields, medical gloves, and first aid kits. Your support is immensely appreciated!
These vital medical supplies have been sent to PROJECT C.U.R.E. and will be distributed to hospitals in developing countries and Ukraine, providing much-needed assistance to underserved communities. Thank you once again for your incredible support!

Making Sandwiches For Homeless 3/17//2024

On the evening of March 17, 2024, the Livingston Youth Organization for Human Services (LYOHS), in partnership with the Presbyterian Church of Livingston, successfully mobilized over twenty of its board members and ambassadors. Together, they dedicated their efforts to making more than 600 peanut butter sandwiches, all of which were donated to the Newark Bistro Soup Kitchen, to support those in need. A heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers for their services!

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Service Day 3/9/2024 at Newark Bistro Soup Kitchen

On March 9th, Daisy, Aaron, and Terry contributed their time and effort at Newark Bistro Soup Kitchen

Service Day 2/10/2024 at Newark Bistro Soup Kitchen

Over the weekend of February 10th, 2024, the board members Daisy Cheng, Ansh Nuniwal, Aaron Sheng, and Ella Zhang dedicated their efforts at the Newark Bistro Soup Kitchen

Service Day 1/13/2024 at Newark Bistro Soup Kitchen

On the weekend of January 13th, 2024, in commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Day, members of the LYOHS board member Ella Zhang, Mahi Jaladi, Jack Klein, Ben Khenkin, Ishan Hajariwala, and Daniel Zhang dedicated their time to volunteer at the Newark Bistro Soup Kitchen. Their presence was accompanied by generous donations of both funds and home made food items.

Bake Sale Fundraising for Newark Soup Kitchen

On December 3, 2023, the Livingston Youth Organization for Human Services once again organized a successful bake sale at the Presbyterian Church of Livingston. This event was specifically aimed at fundraising for the church’s soup kitchen.

On November 26, 2023, the Livingston Youth Organization for Human Services hosted a delightful bake sale at the Presbyterian Church of Livingston. The event was dedicated to raising funds for the church’s soup kitchen. The generous contributions from the community resulted in a total of over $300 being raised.

Newark Soup Kitchen

Newark Soup Kitchen
Newark Soup Kitchen
Newark Soup Kitchen
Newark Soup Kitchen
Newark Soup Kitchen
Newark Soup Kitchen
Newark Soup Kitchen
Newark Soup Kitchen
Newark Soup Kitchen
Newark Soup Kitchen
Newark Soup Kitchen
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Every weekend throughout the month of August 2022, we conducted a soup kitchen/food pantry at the Emanuel Church of Newark! Our kitchen served sandwiches, soups, pastas, pizzas, and take-home meal kits/food packages to nearly 1,000 financially disadvantaged individuals. This event was fully sponsored by Omega Speech and Debate LLC

Emergency Relief Fund for Ukranian Children

From April to June 2022, the LYOHS conducted an emergency relief fundraiser for the Tikva Odessa Children’s Home in Ukraine. The goal was to help fund the provision of basic necessities (food, water, shelter, etc.) and evacuation transportation to Ukrainian orphans whose lives were endangered by the Russo-Ukrainian war. Over $3,000 were raised to support this cause! Thank you to all community members who donated to assist one of the most vulnerable groups threatened by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

March Madness Fundraiser for the Do happy project

From March to April 2022, the LYOHS partnered with the Warter Strong Foundation to run a March Madness Bracket fundraiser for the DO HAPPY PROJECT – an initiative that aims to put a smile on the faces of kids who have special needs or face life-threatening illnesses. Hundreds of community members joined our bracket fundraiser, helping us raise over $2,500 for these children!

2022 Toy Drive for Hospitalized children

Through February and March 2022, the LYOHS conducted a toy drive for local children’s hospitals, including St. Barnabas Hospital, St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, and Goryeb Children’s Hospital! We raised nearly 200 new/gently used toys for the children staying at these medical centers. Thanks to the hundreds of community members who contributed to this drive, we were able to put a smile on the faces of numerous children facing critical health complications.

Sports Lessons for Children with special needs

In January 2022, the LYOHS partnered with the Shining Stars Foundation to organize and facilitate sports lessons/activities for local children with special needs. Over two weekends, nearly 40 LYOHS Ambassadors volunteered to help run these lessons/activities! Thanks to these Ambassadors, we were able to help many special needs children practice and learn a variety of sports!

Holiday Care Package Creation Event

Throughout December 11th and 12th, Our 40+ volunteers created over 250 care packages containing sandwiches and wonderfully crafted holiday letters. They were all safely delivered to many homeless families across northern New Jersey

2022 LYOHS Ambassador Team Enrollment

In December of 2021, we re-opened registration for the LYOHS Ambassador Team! Over 30 new Ambassadors were added to the program to join us in positively impacting the community in 2022! 

Raffle Fundraiser for Diabetes Treatment

In honor of National Diabetes Awareness Month, the LYOHS hosted its 2nd Annual Raffle Fundraiser to support the American Diabetes Association (ADA)! Over $1,200 was raised to help fund the ADA’s lifesaving research on cures to diabetes, as well as their medical services to diabetes patients in underprivileged communities. We helped make a difference in the fight against a national health crisis!

The Second LYOHS Annual Community Cleanup

The LYOHS hosted its 2nd Annual Community Cleanup on Saturday, August 21st, 2021. We cleaned over 20 bags of litter from the walking/nature trails surrounding Heritage Middle School and the Livingston Community Center!



In 2021 summer, the LYOHS established an official partnership with Asia Initiatives, an international 501(c)(3) non-governmental organization! Our non-profits teamed up for the WE STAND WITH INDIA Campaign, which raises money for humanitarian aid on the pandemic frontlines in India. We have successfully raised $3000 to fund an immense range of COVID-relief operations and supplies, including vaccinations/medicines, food distribution to the impoverished, cleaning tools, and much more.  Thank you to everyone who contributed to our hugely successful fundraiser! We have assisted a far greater number of COVID-19 patients than we ever have before!

Spring Sports Equipment Drive

Throughout April, May, and June 2021, the LYOHS and its Community Ambassador Team conducted a Spring Sports Equipment Drive! We were able to collect nearly 100 items of sports equipment for underfunded athletics teams/programs across New Jersey! Our efforts helped empower kids by giving them access to the healthy, educational, and thrilling experience of playing Spring sports!

Valentine's Day Appreciation Letters for the Elderly

In February of 2021, LYOHS Ambassadors created and delivered over 70 beautifully decorated cards, filled with letters of appreciation and compassion, to the Inglemoor Rehabilitation and Care Center. Our artwork and words of kindness made a positive difference in the lives of our elderly citizens!

Winter Food Drive for Northern New Jersey

Throughout January and February in 2021 , the LYOHS and its Community Ambassador Team conducted a food drive for the Interfaith Food Pantry of the Oranges. Over 850 items (cans, boxes, bags, etc.) of non-perishable foods were raised, making this drive one of the most successful in the history of Livingston Township! The food was delivered to feed countless families throughout Northern New Jersey!

Holiday Trivia Tournament

On Saturday, December 19th, 2020, the LYOHS held an online general trivia tournament via Kahoot where participants competed for a cash prize of 20% of entrance free proceeds. The remaining 80% of proceeds, which ultimately amounted to hundreds of dollars, was donated to the Make-A-Wish foundation of New Jersey to support children with critical illnesses. We were glad to make a difference during the holiday season! 

Community Cleanup

On Sunday, November 15th, 2020 the LYOHS held a community cleanup at the Memorial Oval and Park following all COVID-19 protocols. Over 50 participants attended the event to help keep our town clean. Many pounds of trash were collected and disposed!

Raffle Fundraiser for Pediatric Cancer Research

In September and October of 2020, the LYOHS held a raffle fundraiser in support of the Trial Blazers for Kids Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to funding innovative clinical trials that create cures for pediatric cancers. The winner was announced over livestream and ultimately, we raised over $1000 for the fundraiser in contribution to pediatric cancer research.

Summer Food Drive for Unemployed Citizens

In August of 2020, the LYOHS partnered with Blissful Us to conduct a food drive for those in need. The COVID-19 pandemic left many members of our community unemployed and without basic necessities. In an effort to assist these citizens, we donated non-perishable and canned food items, as well as toiletries. Over 20 shopping bags of food and resources were raised!


Learning Resources Drive

From June 29th to August 3rd in 2020, the LYOHS ran a learning resources drive to assist students from the Newark School District in need of educational resources. People from all across Livingston and neighboring towns donated gently used/new school supplies and books to the various drop-off locations hosted by LYOHS board members. In total, about 50 boxes and bags of learning resources were collected for 4 different Newark schools. The LYOHS ultimately helped Newark take a big step towards removing the financial barriers preventing their students from receiving a quality education!

Saint Barnabas Food Delivery

On Thursday, July 9th, 2020, four our of our LYOHS board members – Matthew Zhang, Jake Fersko, Harris Rosenthal, and Zach Feldman – purchased and delivered hundreds of dollars worth of hot food trays to the COVID-19 pandemic treatment unit at Saint Barnabas Hospital!

Fortnite Battle Royale Tournament Fundraiser

On Saturday, May 30th, 2020, 40 different people (20 partnerships) competed in the very first LYOHS Fortnite video game tournament! The entry fees they paid to register and compete allowed us to raise hundreds of dollars for COVID-19 frontline workers at hospitals in Essex County, New Jersey!

SAGE Eldercare Fundraising Campaign

During the height of the Coronavirus pandemic in the United States, from March 20th to May 1st in 2020, the LYOHS decided to act. Our organization created a GoFundMe campaign that raised nearly $1000 for SAGE Eldercare, a non-profit organization that provides crucial home care services and delivers meals to older adults in New Jersey affected by the Coronavirus. Our fundraiser played an extremely key role in ensuring that SAGE Eldercare’s operations continued during the pandemic, since prior to our support, the non-profit was in a critical need of funds and the execution of their services was in jeopardy as a result.

Breakfast Bonanza Food Drive


From Monday, March 9th, 2020 to Saturday, March 14th, 2020, the LYOHS conducted a breakfast food drive in Livingston, New Jersey. Our organization collected numerous breakfast bags from donors in the community who put them together, which we all delivered to NourishNJ – a non-profit community soup kitchen and food bank which is located in Morristown, New Jersey. This organization used the breakfast bags to help feed malnourished people within the state.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Community Service Event

On Monday, January 20th, 2020, five of our LYOHS board members attended the annual Livingston MLK Day volunteer service event. There, those board members helped set up the event, make lunch bags and sandwiches for non-profit organizations supporting hungry citizens, organize a community food drive, and clean-up after the event ended.